Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Greatest Dumplings Ever

A couple of weeks ago, I made dumplings with Phoenix, my brother, and Lareina, our friend. First, I mixed the filling for inside the dumplings.

 Next, I rolled out the dough for the skin of the dumplings. Nice rolling pin, ehhhhh?

Lareina helped me lay out already rolled dough so it doesn't stick together. We put flour over it so it didn't stick.

Finally, we put the filling inside of the dough and closed the dumplings up. We laid all the dumplings out on a big flappy plate. We had so many dumplings, and all we needed to do was cook them! They were some of the yummiest dumplings I have ever eaten!


  1. Those dumplings look delicious! Nicely done.

  2. How did you cook them? They look wonderful!

    1. I cut them up, put them in a pot and boiled them for supper!Just kidding. That's what dad ends chapters with.I actually only put them in a pot and boiled them for supper.

  3. These look SOOOOOO good. You have already surpassed me in the world of cooking, but that's not saying much.

  4. Wow Lutece, that is so cool that you can make dumplings. I had a Chinese roommate in college whose mother came and made us some. I've been wanting some ever since then. I guess you will have to be the one to make them for me next. What do you think?

    1. Good idea! Maybe I should make some for thanksgiving dinner!

  5. Those look delicious! I thought maybe I would try to make my own, but then I read your mom's blog post about how long they took to make :) I wish you were my neighbor and you dropped a few of these by for us to try!

  6. What is the deal with that rolling pin?

    Those dumplings look delicious! I am jealous and I would steal your dumplings if I could. But I live too far away.
