Here are all my Amazon birds.In fact,not all mine. The toucan in the middle is Phoenix's, my brother's and so is the macaw next to the red ibis.
This is my red ibis. Do you see the pool of water? It helps keep him standing up.
I can't think of a name for this white ibis. Can you? (Put your ideas in the comments.)
This is Phoenix's macaw that is named America.
This is my macaw that I am still trying to name. So far I've thought of Yellow Leg. I got the style of these names from the Warriors books, if you're interested. If you think of any names, put them in the comments.
I'm also trying to name this macaw. This is my favorite one because of all the colors. If you think of any names, put them in the comments. Same with the green-billed toucan down there. I've thought about naming this one Red Tail, but I didn't like that very much, so I thought about Fire Tail instead, or Fire Bird.
This one is Phoenix's. Her name is Precious.
This is the green-billed toucan that I'm trying to name. My hand is in the picture because the toucan doesn't stand up very well.
These are all of our Amazon birds. Maybe they'll have names soon!